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Catawba Valley Farmers Market
CVFM Information: Pam Hall, CVFM Secretary
Phone: (540) 580-1533 Email:
Thursdays 3:00pm - 6:30pm Rain or Shine "The friendliest Farmers Market in the valley!"

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Catawba Community Center picnic shelter will be transformed
from the usual Farmers Market scene to a Farm-to-Table scene.
In observance of National Farmers Market Week, the Catawba Valley Farmers Market
(CVFM) is holding their second Farm-to-Table Dinner.
Saturday, August 13 2022 @ 6:00 PM at the Catawba Community Center Picnic Shelter.
We are located at 4965 Catawba Creek Road, Catawba, VA 24070
Farm-to-table is a phrase that means different things to different people.
In this case, it means that the food on the table came directly from local, specific farms
without going through a store or distributor along the way.
The foods on the CVFM table will be grown, prepared and served
by the Farmers Market vendors and managers.
The menu will include pulled pork, herb-seasoned potatoes,
roasted zucchini and squash, cole slaw, rolls and fresh apple cake.
Beverages include sweetened & unsweetened iced tea & water.
(A vegetarian medley will also be available.)
The cost of the meal is $25.00 for adults and $18.00 for children ages 3 to 11.
To purchase tickets, contact Pam Garman @ (540) 312-7037
or email:
Tickets are also available at the Farmers Market each Thursday.
The deadline to purchase tickets is Thursday, August 4.
This event promises to be a fun-filled and educational time for the diners,
with locally-sourced foods, served in a true country atmosphere,
with an opportunity to meet and talk with those who have produced the foods.
We hope that you will join us for a country meal featuring local foods
served in a true country atmosphere!
Proceeds go to the CVFM to help off-set costs of operating the Market.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

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